Japanese bag, Sukiyabukuro

Today's new item - Shingen bukuro ("Gassai bukuro" ) with wool kimono and Doro Oshima

Shingen bukuro as a small bag

Body is wool kimono in chic navy and Doro Oshima (mud dyeing from Oshima region) kimono is centered as a decorative accent with yellow piping surrounded.

Doro Oshima with the best design

This beautiful geometric pattern could be more enhanced if you would take larger piece of fabric for a dress. It's very eye catching. We however use just a vertical line of original textile to highlight its character on simple wool fabric.

Shingenbukuro is originally men's bag which you can put in anything and everything you need ("Issai-Gassai in Japanese") . So they are called also "Gassai"bukuro. Even it is a men's bag but it can be used by women of course.

You can see more Singenbukuro in our gallery. Please find out more if you like it.