Several upcycled bags and pouches were previously produced from 'sashiko weave' used as judo wear.
The judo tote bags and pouches have been sold out in the shop. Thank you very much!
The Judo Gi was unused which I used for up cycling before, but the other day I found a 'Kendo Gi' that was full of use!
It's a 'sashiko weave', a three-dimensional, sturdy weave with uneven fabric.
So here are three bags that make the most of the materials as they come to mind.

In both cases, I used the Oshima silk striped plaid pattern on the sides as an accent to create a somewhat pop atmosphere.
It's upcycling at its best!
You can easily take it with you for walks, shopping and various other outings...
At the time, you thought "I need it!". But as time goes by, and you realise that they are no longer of any use to you, you find that you have been leaving them behind for many years...? What a waste! It is as if we can hear the voices of our predecessors who appreciated things.
I feel a renewed sense of preciousness about the importance of limited resources and the rich environment in which we can get what we want quickly.
This work is an upcycled version of these unused fabric scraps, with this in mind.